Heiskell Career Consulting
Strengths-based Career Consulting | Teaching & Training | Assessment & Evaluation

Queer Careers Intervention Series
September 2013 - June 2014
LGBTQIA students have been underserved historically particularly when it comes to preparing for a career. This manual was developed to assist other professionals in implementing a targeted six-week intervention for LGBTQIA students on their campus. This group intervention will be implemented with a group of 12 LGBTQIA sophomores and juniors at Cal Poly in April-May 2014.

Academic Success Peer Coaching Training Program
August 2013 - January 2014
Students on Academic Probation at Cal Poly face many challenges in staying enrolled at our campus. Research has demonstrated that academic success coaching can be effective in retaining and supporting these students. We saw positive results in a pilot program utilzing graduate students last year, but decided to try a peer coaching model. My supervisor and I embarked on creating a 15 hour training that would adequately prepare our team of peer coaches to individually coach first year students on academic probation. This guide provides all of the documents to implement this coaching training. It is rooted in positive psychology and strengths-based advising and coaching.

The Gender Equity Center Volunteer Training Facilitation Manual
April 2013 - December 2013
Diversity centers typically face difficulties in meeting programming needs solely utilizing paid staff. In order to support implementing additional programs and workshops I developed a six-week training for potential GEC volunteers. The training focuses on exploring intersectionality, identity development, and media analysis while providing participants with the tools to facilitate their own workshops and programs. This manual provides everything you need to implement a training at your campus.

Stanford High School Summer College Year-End Report
June 2013 - August 2013
At the completion of my time at Stanford I compiled a detailed report providing program recommendations and assessment of the HSSC Summer 2013 program. The 39-page report provides in-depth detail of my tasks and sample communications with students to provide guidance for future House Directors.

Organizational Guide for Producing The Vagina Monologues at Cal Poly
February 2013 - May 2013
After producing The Vagina Monologues for two years I decided to leave a legacy of how to seamlessly organize all details of the event from start to finish. This shows my attention to detail and my ability to coordinate large-scale events. This production helped to raise nearly $18,000 that was donated to organizations working to end violence against women and girls.